How We’re Talking about Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month

With millions of people living worldwide with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia, it’s important for our Community to make space for conversation surrounding the topic. This June we focused our efforts on joining movements, finding new ways to contribute, and involving you in the cause. Find out more about what we did below!

An All-Day Endeavor

Every Tuesday we host Piano and Pints - a Community Support Night - where $1 from every pint sold 6-8pm is pledged to a local organization. Tuesday, June 21st however, was different! We ran our Community Support program all day - so no matter what time you stopped by, you can rest assured $1 from every beer purchase went to an important cause. This was our way of participating in the Longest Day campaign. #TheLongestDay is a fundraising effort by the Alzheimer’s Association to raise funds and awareness for the care, support, and research efforts of Alzheimer’s as a form of dementia.

For the month of June we partnered with Dementia Support Northwest as our recipient of June's donations from Piano and Pints.

Big Things

You’ve seen it in person, or you’ve seen us post about it online, but our GIANT, hand-built Adirondack bench is up at Joe Martin Field for the Bellingham Bells 2022 season! We commissioned our dear friend Brad Stone who absolutely delivered an incredible masterpiece. 

With such a big heart, Brad Stone offered that the funds for building the bench go to a local non-profit making a difference in the community. With this month being Dementia Awareness Month, we both decided to donate to our June recipients, Dementia Support Northwest.

This is one of the many parts of our campaign to support efforts to raise funds and awareness for the care, support, and research of dementia, and to normalize the conversation around it. 

Thanks Brad, for your big heart and desire to uplift the community in so many ways! To sit in this bench, join the Boundary Bay Diamond Club at a Bells Game!

Philanthropic Fish Fry

Let’s talk about this Fish Fry Day’s band, the Legendary Chucklenuts! These fine folks have decided to generously donate their concert payment to Dementia Support Northwest. We already know them for their great talent, and now it’s their generosity!

It’s local groups, organizations, and individuals like these that define Community.

Immerse Yourself

To complete a month of Alzheimer’s awareness, we hosted a unique experience in the Beer Garden June 27th and June 30th at 4pm on both days!

Our friend Rosalee who works at Silverado Memory Care put together an experience where individuals are immersed in a series of sensory-altering experiences to offer a first-hand look at what it can feel like to live with dementia. 

It’s difficult to fully comprehend what someone living with dementia goes through on a daily basis, and we want to do our part in spreading awareness with experiences like these. They promote the ability to speak more openly about dementia, ask questions, and ultimately develop empathy for those in our community and our families that are affected by forms of memory impairment.

Being an advocate for everyone from all walks of life in our community is important, and we are honored to be able to share such a special experience with you! 

Now that June has Passed..

Let’s continue this conversation about Alzheimer’s! Have you or someone in your family been affected by this? When we sit and hold conversations about this common and life-altering disease, we normalize it within our society. Together, we can continue aiding research efforts to ideally prevent it in the first place, and we learn how to best accommodate those close to us affected by Alzheimer’s in the meantime.


Striking Gold and Silver at US Beer Open


May the Froth be with You - part one